Fairbanks Museum
Day 28: July 28, 2017: Fairbanks, AK
We both went to Sam's Sourdough Cafe and then to the Museum. The museum had everything from Russian involvement, how the Japanese immigrants and descendants were treated during WWII, the history of those native to Alaska, taxidermied animals, history of settlers and cities, and so much more. Opa left after a few hours to go to the dealership to get the part from the dealership, I stayed and wandered around all of the exhibits. I finally left the museum to meet Opa at the dealership, we went back to camp, after stopping by the visitor's center and getting ice cream. We found some beemers parked next to us: 2 from Florida and one from Washington. They had just come back from Prudhoe Bay, Opa talked with them about the damages their bikes had received on the road.
It was getting close to dinner time and it was starting to rain. I found a local pizza place on my phone, College Town Pizzeria. Opa decided it was a good idea, he let me ride solo in the rain to pick up the order. The boys all took an uber somewhere for food.

We both went to Sam's Sourdough Cafe and then to the Museum. The museum had everything from Russian involvement, how the Japanese immigrants and descendants were treated during WWII, the history of those native to Alaska, taxidermied animals, history of settlers and cities, and so much more. Opa left after a few hours to go to the dealership to get the part from the dealership, I stayed and wandered around all of the exhibits. I finally left the museum to meet Opa at the dealership, we went back to camp, after stopping by the visitor's center and getting ice cream. We found some beemers parked next to us: 2 from Florida and one from Washington. They had just come back from Prudhoe Bay, Opa talked with them about the damages their bikes had received on the road.
It was getting close to dinner time and it was starting to rain. I found a local pizza place on my phone, College Town Pizzeria. Opa decided it was a good idea, he let me ride solo in the rain to pick up the order. The boys all took an uber somewhere for food.

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