So Much Folding and Tacos.

Got up this morning, worked through breakfast while struggling to determine which was more blinding: Opa's legs or his shirt. Once I finished breakfast, I raced to meet up with Sue, Kim, and Lisa. We probably spent an eternity folding shirts for the everyone to snag at the rally's Country Store. Sue came buy and told us that lunch was on her, well, actually on Bob, her husband. Who was I to argue? Kim and I couldn't get out of the building and into her rental fast enough. We stopped at the Red Iguana, which was phenomenal! Had it not been for those mouth-watering tacos, I don't think that any of us would have survived the wild goose chase looking for last minute supplies for the rally. I went to the Volunteer's Dinner with Kim. Opa and some of his friend's wandered off to the food court for Pat's BBQ. They said it was pretty tasty. We probably should have gone to the bbq place, too.
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