Two Scoops

Day 40: August 9, 2017: Sheridan, WY: 407m/655km

After looking over the maps, we decided to head towards Little Big Horn. We stopped at a gas station, and had the unfortunate luck of being forced to listen to "the best & favorite country hits of the '80's and '90's" at a blaring and mind numbing volume. Even Opa was annoyed and he is hard of hearing. We could not get out of there fast enough. We pulled up to the gates to go into the Little Big Horn National Monument. The man at the gates was kind enough to let Opa in for free because I had an annual pass. We walked around the museum and got my second stamp for Montana. While walking around we decided to cancel touring the Dakotas completely because it would be so hot in and around the Black Hills. We had our usual ice cream while finding a place to camp. Laundry day. After pulling into camp and setting everything up, I take the clothes to wash. I go back to the tent to set up the electrical. I find Opa eating some chips ahoy and an ice cream cone! Devil's Tower in the morning and a detour to go visit Claude in Pennsylvania. 


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